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学术报告信息一则,引智基地名家讲座之Vincent JI

发布日期:2020-12-08 来源:bwin必赢登录入口官网朱明 编辑:科研办公室 点击:

报告题目一:Recent developments on surface mechanical treatments


报告题目二:Residual stress analysis on samples obtained byadditive fabrication: Cases of Nimonic C263 alloy & TiAl




Meeting ID: 642 747 534

报告人:Vincent JI

主持人(邀请人):赵小辉 教授



Surface mechanical strengthening (SMS)is the most useful process to change the residual stress (RS) distribution,superficial morphology, surface microstructure and surface hardness. Thepurposes of SMS are to increasing the fatigue life, to prevent the stress corrosioncracking and to increase the wear resistance of mechanical components.

The classic SMS methods, such asmachining, rolling, shot-peening, have been largely applied on engineeringcomponents. The principal of RS generation by SMS will be synthesis. Theindustrial application cases of shot-peening will be presented.

Recent development of SMS, such as dualpeening, stress peening, ultrasonic peening, water peening (cavitation peening)and laser peening, will be introduced and discussed.


Residual stress can be generated duesto additive fabrication process. They can influence components’ utilisationproperties and their durability. It is important to determine the level and thedistribution of residual stress on samples obtained by additive fabrication.

Nimonic C263 powders (Ni-based alloy) have been used tofabricate samples by SLM (Selective Laser Melting) and DMD (Direct MetalDeposition) techniques. TiAl samples have been obtained by DMD technique.

The residual stresses have beenanalysis by X-ray diffraction method on Nimonic C263 samples and on TiAl samples after additive fabrication and after heat treatments.

Mechanical properties (tensile testsand hardness) have been studied on Nimonic C263 samples and the associatedmicrostructure has been observed.


Vincent JI巴黎萨克雷大学(Paris-SaclayUniversity)特级教授(Distinguished Professor)、工学院材料机械和能源系主任,是上海交大,北航,北京交大,南工大客座教授,从事材料微观结构和力学性能的关系、工程材料失效分析、残余应力分析、表面强化的开发与应用方面的研究工作。Vincent JI是法国标准协会无损探测委员会会员,参与制定了法国1999X射线残余应力测试标准和欧盟2009X射线残余应力测试标准,自2015年任中国机械工程协会材料分会残余应力专业委员会副主任, 2016年任中国机械工程学会失效分析分会喷丸技术专业委员副主任。已发表SCI收录的论文280余篇,H因子34,它引次数超过4300
