
发布日期:2017-10-18 来源:bwin必赢登录入口官网 编辑: 点击:


姓名: 朱永福
职称: 教授
所在系别: 金属材料工程系
最高学历: 研究生
最高学位: 博士
Email: yfzhu@jlu.edu.cn


所在学科专业: 金属材料
所研究方向: 金属腐蚀与防护;新能源材料;纳米材料热力学



1999.10-2003.02 日本东北大学 研究生/博士

1995.09-1999.09  长春光机所 研究生/硕士

1991.09-1995.07  bwin必赢登录入口官网 本科/学士

2006.03-至今 bwin必赢登录入口官网 教授

2004.09-2006.03 日本东北大学 博士后讲师

2003.10-2004.09 日本秋田大学 博士后讲师

2003.03-2003.09 香港理工大学 博士后


吉林省科技厅重点科技研发项目          2018.01-2020.12 100          负责人

国家基金委重点项目子项目                  2017.01-2021.12   54          负责人

国家自然科学基金                                  2017.01-2017.12   16          负责人

国家科技部973重大项目子项目            2010.01-2014.12   60          负责人

国家自然科学基金                                  2009.01-2012.12   32          负责人

教育部新世纪优秀人才计划                  2009.01-2010.12   50          负责人

国家科技部973重大项目                        2004.09-2009.09 364()   重要骨干


1. YF Zhu, Q Jiang, Edge or interface effect on bandgap openings in graphene nanostructures-A thermodynamic approach, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2016, 326:1-33. (IF=13.324)

2. Y.F. Zhu, X.Y. Lang, W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang, Electron Scattering and Electrical Conductance in Polycrystalline Metallic Films and Wires: The Impact of Grain Boundary Scattering Made by the Melting Point, ACS Nano, 4 (2010) 3781-3788. (IF=13.942)

3. Y.F. Zhu, X.Y. Lang, Q. Jiang, Alloying Effect on Bandgap Energy of Nanosemiconductor Alloys, Advanced Functional Materials, 18 (2008) 1422-1429. (IF=12.124)

4. N Zhao, Y Zhu, Q Jiang, Novel Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional AsxSby Alloys Studied by Using DFT, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018. (IF=5.256)

5. YR Wang, K Tang, X Yao, B Jin, YF Zhu, Interface effect on the cohesive energy of nanostructured materials and substrate-supported nanofilms, Dalton Transactions, 2018. (IF=4.029)

6. YF Zhu, N Zhao, B Jin, M Zhao, Q Jiang, High thermal stability of core-shell structures dominated by negative interface energy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(13) :9253-9260. (IF=4.123)

7. Z Wen, J Luo, Y Zhu, Q Jiang, Cohesive-Energy-Resolved Bandgap of Nanoscale graphene Derivatives, Chemphyschem, 2015, 15(12) :2563-2568. (IF=3.075)

8. YF Zhu, QQ Dai, WT Zheng, Q Jiang, Gap openings in graphene regarding interfacial interaction from substrates, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16(12) :5600-4. (IF=4.123)

9. Y Zhu, N Zhao, J Lian, Q Jiang, Tandem Photovoltaic Devices Employing Nanoarray graphene-Based Sheets, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118(5) :2385–2390. (IF=5.256)

10. YF Zhu, QQ Dai, M Zhao, Q Jiang, Physicochemical insight into gap openings in graphene, Scientific Reports, Article number: 1524 (2013). (IF=4.259)

11. Y Zhu, J Lian, Q Jiang, Role of Edge Geometry and Magnetic Interaction in Opening Bandgap of Low-Dimensional graphene, Chemphyschem, 2014, 15(5):958-965. (IF=3.075)

12. YF Zhu, QQ Dai, M Zhao, Q Jiang, Physicochemical insight into gap openings in graphene, Scientific Reports, 2013, 3(3):1524. (IF=4.259).

13. Zhu Y.F., Liu D., Wen Z., Jiang, Q., Self-formation of nanocomposite Cu/Al2O3 thin films on CuAl dilute alloys by annealing in inert atmospheres, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2011, 110(2):023525. (IF=2.588)

14. Zhu Y.F., Zheng W.T., Jiang Q., Distinct Young's modulus of nanostructured materials in comparison with nanocrystals, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2011, 13(48):21328-21332. (IF=4.123)

15. YF Zhu, JS Lian, Q Jiang, Modeling of the Melting Point, Debye Temperature, Thermal Expansion Coefficient and the Specific Heat, J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 16896. (IF=4.536)

16. Zhu Y.F., Zheng W.T., Jiang Q., Modeling lattice expansion and cohesive energy of nanostructured materials, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 95(8):083110. (IF=3.411)

17. Zhu YF, Lian JS, Jiang Q, Re-examination of Casimir limit for phonon traveling in semiconductor nanostructures, Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92(11). (IF=3.411)

18. YF Zhu, WT Zheng, Q Jiang, Modeling Lattice Expansion and Cohesive Energy of Nanostructured Materials, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 92, 113101. (IF=3.411)

19. Zhu YF, Mimura K, Lim JW, Isshiki M, Jiang Q, Brief review of oxidation kinetics of copper at 350 degrees C to 1050 degrees C, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2006, 37A(4):1231-1237.

20. Zhu Y, Mimura K, Isshiki M, Influence of oxide grain morphology on formation of the CuO scale during oxidation of copper at 600-1000 degrees C, Corrosion Science, 2005, 47(2):537-544. (IF=5.245)


2012 吉林省第十二批有突出贡献中青年专家

2011 吉林省科技进步一等奖


2008 教育部新世纪优秀人才



代青青 获研究生国家奖学金(博士)


赵宁 获研究生国家奖学金(博士)



